I want it.. I want that.. i want it all..
Tiba2 aja terlintas di kepala nih,, mcm2 hal yg aku mimpi2'in..
ada mimpi yg memang sudah lm ak punya, plus mimpi yg baru terlintas saat aku udah jd pengangguran kyk skrg ini. hohohoh
okeh tanpa basa basi lagi, ak cm maw sedikit share hal apa aja yg bisa dibilang jd motivasi hidup ak.
1. Selesai study sampe S1. Done!
2. Dapet kerja yg oke.. sesuai ama yg aku mau. Lokasi cocok, partner lingkungan kerja cocok+nyaman, gaji oke, expert di bidang yg aku tekuni. (not yet, still have reached them)
3. Banggain+nyenengin ortu!! walaupun mereka selalu bangga padaku (hikz..terharu) tapi ak ngerasa blom trllu cukup dengan smua yg udah aku lakuin. So, ak pengen lebih kasih kebahagiaan lagi =)
4. Ketemu ama jodo yg seiman, buaek abis, perfect di mataku dan kluarga (although nobody's perfect,,hahah), takut akan Tuhan, selamat dunia akhirat lah! kalo bs si bule..Amin..ahhahaha (not yet)
5. Get married wif the man i love.. =) (the man should appropriate for requirement above..hohoohoh) (not yet)
6. Go abroad, and have a job there...(wif my husband of course ^____^ ) (not yet)
7. Have a Modern Minimalis House.. with mini cinema, mini beauty treatment and sport center inside... hahahha (not yet)
8. Have my own car (sport/offroad car, hahaha..hope this will come true!! +____+) (not yet)
9. Can speak at least 3 foreign language beside English. [Jepang/mandarin (i'll choose one coz don't really like both..heuhue), Prancis, and Latin maybe) hahahha (not yet)
9. have 3 children.. all boys or 2 boys, 1 girl. hoho (not yet)
10. Learn about cooking..heheh..to be a good wife n mom (not yet)
11. Live happily ever after.. =) (not yet)
hwa..hwa... moga semuanya bisa terealisasi.. AMin..
ada mimpi yg memang sudah lm ak punya, plus mimpi yg baru terlintas saat aku udah jd pengangguran kyk skrg ini. hohohoh
okeh tanpa basa basi lagi, ak cm maw sedikit share hal apa aja yg bisa dibilang jd motivasi hidup ak.
1. Selesai study sampe S1. Done!
2. Dapet kerja yg oke.. sesuai ama yg aku mau. Lokasi cocok, partner lingkungan kerja cocok+nyaman, gaji oke, expert di bidang yg aku tekuni. (not yet, still have reached them)
3. Banggain+nyenengin ortu!! walaupun mereka selalu bangga padaku (hikz..terharu) tapi ak ngerasa blom trllu cukup dengan smua yg udah aku lakuin. So, ak pengen lebih kasih kebahagiaan lagi =)
4. Ketemu ama jodo yg seiman, buaek abis, perfect di mataku dan kluarga (although nobody's perfect,,hahah), takut akan Tuhan, selamat dunia akhirat lah! kalo bs si bule..Amin..ahhahaha (not yet)
5. Get married wif the man i love.. =) (the man should appropriate for requirement above..hohoohoh) (not yet)
6. Go abroad, and have a job there...(wif my husband of course ^____^ ) (not yet)
7. Have a Modern Minimalis House.. with mini cinema, mini beauty treatment and sport center inside... hahahha (not yet)
8. Have my own car (sport/offroad car, hahaha..hope this will come true!! +____+) (not yet)
9. Can speak at least 3 foreign language beside English. [Jepang/mandarin (i'll choose one coz don't really like both..heuhue), Prancis, and Latin maybe) hahahha (not yet)
9. have 3 children.. all boys or 2 boys, 1 girl. hoho (not yet)
10. Learn about cooking..heheh..to be a good wife n mom (not yet)
11. Live happily ever after.. =) (not yet)
hwa..hwa... moga semuanya bisa terealisasi.. AMin..
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